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- <text>
- <title>
- (Kennedy) In Europe:Not Necessary, but Nice
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--Kennedy Portrait
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- July 5, 1963
- Not Necessary, but Nice
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p> Before President Kennedy took off on his trip to Europe,
- many a voice at home and abroad was raised in an old question
- with new overtones: Is this trip necessary? The impetus for the
- journey came from a January invitation from Italy's Premier
- Amintore Fanfani, but Fanfani's government had since fallen, and
- the President would be visiting an Italy in political turmoil.
- In West Germany he would be calling on a lame-duck Chancellor;
- in Britain his host would be the unhappy head of a
- scandal-rocked Tory government. There were problems at home
- that needed the President's attention. But by last week's end,
- after completion of more than half the trip, it was clear that
- while it may not have been necessary it certainly was nice.
- </p>
- <p> On the surface it gave Jack Kennedy the chance to perform
- his best role--as a political campaigner. For all of Europe to
- see, he moved through cheering throngs as if he were running for
- the Bundestag or the Dail.
- </p>
- <p> "Yours & Ours." Far deeper than this campaign triumph,
- Kennedy made at least two substantive points. First, and most
- important, he reasserted in clear, forceful terms the major aim
- of U.S. policy toward Europe: to help Western Europe become a
- strong, independent force of its own, linked by bonds of
- friendship to a strong, independent U.S. To achieve that aim he
- offered full risk by the U.S. "My stay in this country will be
- all too brief," he said in Bonn, "but in a larger sense the
- United States is here on this continent to stay so long as our
- presence is desired and required: our forces and commitments
- will remain, for your safety is our safety. Your liberty is our
- liberty; and any attack on your soil is an attack upon our
- own." In Frankfurt's historic Paulskirche (St. Paul's Church),
- he expanded on the theme: "The first task of the Atlantic
- Community was to assure its common defense. That defense was and
- still is indivisible. The U.S. will risk its cities to defend
- yours because we need your freedom to protect ours. Hundreds of
- thousands of our soldiers serve with yours on this continent as
- tangible evidence of this pledge." Emphasizing the need to
- create "a fully cohesive Europe," he said that "the future of
- the West lies in Atlantic partnership--a system of
- cooperation, interdependence and harmony whose people can
- jointly meet their burdens and opportunities throughout the
- world. Some say this is only a dream, but I do not agree."
- </p>
- <p> In his other major thrust, Kennedy took dead aim at
- France's Charles de Gaulle, whose lofty vision of a future
- Europe not only excludes U.S. influence but presupposes that
- the U.S. would not make good its promises to help defend the
- Continent: "Those who doubt our pledge, those who would
- separate Europe from America or split one ally from another,
- would only give aid and comfort to the men who make themselves
- our adversaries and welcome any Western disarray. It is not in
- our interest to try to dominate European councils of
- decision...I repeat again, so that there may be no
- misunderstanding: the choice of paths to the unity of Europe is
- a choice which Europe must make."
- </p>
- <p> To the Heart. There seemed to be a danger that Kennedy's
- straight talk might even further acerbate Franco-American
- relations. But at a time when West Germany might be drawn to De
- Gaulle's point of view, that risk was worth taking. The
- immediate French reaction was a shrug, with a hint of a sniff.
- France's Minister of Information Alain Peyrefitte said that his
- government does not really distrust Kennedy's resolution to
- defend Europe. But, he said, France does have a right to
- question Kennedy's ability to impose his policies on his
- presidential successors. "France," he said, "would have wished
- in 1914 to have the United States at her side, as also in 1939,
- when war broke out."
- </p>
- <p> But 1963 is not 1914 or 1939, and Charles de Gaulle knows
- it. And he could not help realizing that Kennedy, in his clear
- restatement of U.S. ambitions for a strong, independent Europe
- and of unwavering U.S. determination to defend European
- integrity by arms if necessary, reached the heart of Western
- Europeans.
- </p>
- <p>Campaigner in Action
- </p>
- <p> Konrad Adenauer's old face, long locked in the glacial
- freeze of history, suddenly melted. "You see," he said, almost
- chortling, to the President of the U.S., "there are some people
- who want to see you."
- </p>
- <p> There certainly were--by the hundreds of cheering
- thousands. On the first leg of his European trip President
- Kennedy's reception swept almost beyond the bounds of reality.
- From Cologne to County Cork, in Bonn and Berlin, in Dublin and
- Dunganstown, the emotional experiences built up. Some were
- framed in laughter, others in tears--and still others in
- bitter reminders of man's inhumanity to man. There was tea in an
- Irish barnyard and a mighty buss from a motherly country cousin.
- There was a hushed moment as two men of different ages and ideas--Kennedy and Adenauer--knelt and prayed together in the
- vaulted, 14th century Cathedral of Cologne. There was, as viewed
- from a West Berlin platform, the grim edifice of the Wall. More
- than anything else, there were the crowds, crying, "Ken-ah-dee!
- Ken-ah-dee! Ken-ah-dee!" And in their ecstasy of admiration,
- they pummeled the President in a fashion that must have given
- his doctors heart failure.
- </p>
- <p> The Wave. When he stepped down from his plane at Wahn
- Airport near Bonn, the first stop on his journey, Kennedy
- appeared weary. But no sooner did his motorcade start passing
- through the thundering throngs than the campaigner revived. And
- throughout West Germany, the crowds responded. Women fainted;
- indeed, in Frankfurt, one gave birth right on the street. In
- Hanau, a schoolboy cried: "He looks like a young Siegfried!"
- Everywhere, homemade signs danced in the air: HURRAY FOR JOHNNY
- American flags fluttered by the hundreds of thousands.
- </p>
- <p> To the citizens of Cologne, Kennedy brought greetings "from
- America, including the citizens of Cologne, Minnesota; Cologne,
- New Jersey; and even Cologne, Texas. As a citizen of Boston,
- which takes pride in being the oldest city in the U.S., I find
- it sobering to come to Cologne, where the Romans marched when
- the Bostonians were in skins. [Kennedy was off by almost a
- century. St. Augustine, Fla., was founded in 1565, as against
- Boston's birth date of 1630. History Buff Kennedy pulled at
- least two other historical gaffes. Speaking of Chancellor
- Adenauer, he said: "Two years after his birth [in 1876],
- General Custer and 500 of his cavalry were to be wiped out by
- Sitting Bull and the Sioux Indians." Custer actually made his
- last stand in 1876. Later, addressing the Irish Parliament,
- Kennedy presented the Irish Republic with a Civil War battle
- flag of the Irish Brigade. The brigade, said he, fought at
- Fredericksburg, Md., on Sept. 13, 1862. The date was actually
- Dec. 13, 1862. And it was Virginia, not Maryland.] May I greet
- you with the old Rhenish saying: Kolle Alaff! [Hurray for
- Cologne!]."
- </p>
- <p> In Frankfurt, Kennedy rode with Vice Chancellor Ludwig
- Erhard, who is to take over from Adenauer next fall. Inspired by
- the crowds, the President turned impulsively to Erhard. Said he:
- "Let's stand up and wave." Asked a surprised Erhard, who is
- unaccustomed to U.S.-style political caravans: "Was?" But
- Kennedy, after first instructing Erhard about how to wave with
- one hand and then the other to avoid tiring, finally persuaded
- the future West German Chancellor to rise. By the end of the
- Frankfurt motorcade, Erhard was outwaving Kennedy.
- </p>
- <p> The Wall. All this was in prelude to the deeply dramatic
- visit to West berlin. There the Kennedy motorcade beat its way
- for four hours along 35 miles of smiling humanity. Women broke
- through the barricades, children grabbed for the President's
- coat, people threw torrents of flowers. But Kennedy was grim as
- he approached the Wall. The East Germans had deliberately
- stretched three huge flags across the Brandenburg Gate so that
- the view was obscured.
- </p>
- <p> The President mounted a specially built platform at the
- Gate, gazed across at the stark, grey Communist city. Driving
- over to Checkpoint Charlie, another part of the Wall, Kennedy
- again mounted a platform, talked to U.S. Major General James
- Polke, who pointed out key sites on the Eastern side. From
- windows and from other sites, a few East Germans furtively waved
- down handkerchiefs. When Kennedy stepped down, he looked like
- a man who had just had a glimpse of Hell.
- </p>
- <p> "Let Them Come to Berlin." From Checkpoint Charlie,
- President Kennedy drove to West Berlin's city hall, where he
- addressed 150,000 people. Said he: "There are many people in
- the world who really don't understand--or say they don't--what is the great issue between the free world and the
- Communist world. Let them come to Berlin. There are some who say
- that Communism is the wave of the future. Let them come to
- Berlin. There are some who say in Europe and elsewhere, `We can
- work with the Communists.' Let them come to Berlin. And there
- are even a few who say that it's true that Communism is an evil
- system but it permits us to make economic progress. Lass sie
- nach Berlin kommen!"
- </p>
- <p> Throughout Kennedy's German journey, he and Erhard got
- along famously--thereby laying the groundwork for even closer
- U.S.-German relations after Erhard takes power. And Konrad
- Adenauer, who had been suspicious of the young American
- President's determination to wage and win the cold war, was
- finally conquered. Said he in a formal toast: "I don't
- particularly like to make such acknowledgments, but let us face
- it. Historic honesty requires that we say that the war which
- destroyed Germany was provoked by Germany, that the United
- States has shown the great vision to help the defeated enemy,
- which was really a deed that is only very rarely found in
- history." Kennedy, said Adenauer, was a noble heir to that
- vision.
- </p>
- <p> Leaving Germany, Kennedy told Adenauer that he would leave a
- sealed message at the White House for the next U.S. President to
- open "when things aren't going well." It would contain only
- three words: "Go to Germany."
- </p>
- <p> Irish Ayes. Next came Ireland--and what a reel. After
- all, reflected a Kennedy aide, "Germany was business. But
- Ireland is fun." In his ancestral land, John Kennedy was Sean
- (pronounced Shawn), of the good old clan O Cinneide. [The
- Gaelic spelling of the name. This version and the anglicized
- "Kennedy" have been used more or less interchangeably for
- decades in County Wexford. Among those who still use the Irish
- tongue, it is still O Cinneide, or just plain Cinneide.] The
- Irish obviously considered Kennedy their own personal property.
- Indeed, there were so many proud officials who wanted the
- distinction of saying a few lovely words of welcome that the
- Irish politicians took to arguing about who would be saying
- what and when--and for how long. A group of students lay down
- on their backs to spell out the Gaelic word Failte--"Welcome." Schoolchildren sang the rousing Boys of Wexford ("We
- are the Boys of Wexford/ Who fought with heart and hand/ To
- burst in twain the galling chain/ And free our native land").
- Kennedy, a Wexford boy, his hair tousled, his face soft with
- smiles, was delighted by it all.
- </p>
- <p> In his talks, Kennedy recalled that his great-grandfather
- Patrick Kennedy "left here to become a cooper in East Boston. He
- carried nothing with him except two things, a strong religious
- faith and a strong desire for liberty. I am glad to say that all
- of his great-grandchildren have valued that inheritance. I am
- glad to be here. It took 115 years to make this trip, and 6,000
- miles, and three generations."
- </p>
- <p> In Dunganstown, where Patrick Kennedy came from, the
- President found Cousin Mary Ryan, sixtyish, and her two
- daughters waiting for him. Their little farm had been
- transformed only a few days before: the dirt yard had been laid
- with concrete, and plumbers had installed an indoor bathroom
- (wags dubbed it "John's john"). U.S. Secret Service Men
- literally had to use force to break the grips of hands that
- clutched at Kennedy. There were countless exchanges of gifts,
- including a sheepskin mat, presented to Kennedy by his cousins.
- "This," explained Old Family Doctor Martin Quigley, "is to be
- put beside Mrs. Kennedy's bed for the arrival of twins in
- August."
- </p>
- <p> Huge success that it was, Kennedy's sentimental journey in
- Ireland lasted at least 24 hours too long. By the time he left,
- the whole business had begun to get a little boring. At week's
- end, as he flew over the Irish Sea on his way to England, even
- Sean O Cinneide may have looked forward to a change of pace.
- There he began quiet talks with Prime Minister Harold Macmillan,
- who would surely welcome a chance to get his mind on something
- other than his own government's troubles.
- </p>
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- </article>
- </text>